CCProxy can be called as Windows proxy server, because it fully supports Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Vista, Windows 2003, Windows 2008, Windows 2000, Windows 98, Windows NT and Windows ME. We have tested CCProxy on the following Windows operation system for Internet connection sharing.

windows - How do I configure proxy settings for LOCAL If I edit Proxy Settings through the Control Panel, the settings are stored in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ProxyEnable and\ProxyServer. These settings are of course not used when running as a service under LOCAL SYSTEM. So I tried setting ProxyEnable and ProxyServer under HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\ Web Application Proxy in Windows Server | Microsoft Docs Applies To: Windows Server® 2016. This content is relevant for the on-premises version of Web Application Proxy. To enable secure access to on-premises applications over the cloud, see the Azure AD Application Proxy content. The content in this section describes what's new and changed in the Web Application Proxy for Windows Server 2016.

How To Make Your Own Proxy Server For Free - YouTube

About Cntlm proxy. Cntlm (user-friendly wiki / technical manual) is an NTLM / NTLM Session Response / NTLMv2 authenticating HTTP proxy intended to help you break free from the chains of Microsoft proprietary world.You can use a free OS and honor our noble idea, but you can't hide. Once you're behind those cold steel bars of a corporate proxy server requiring NTLM authentication, you're done with. squid proxy server in windows server - Spiceworks

WebProxy.BypassProxyOnLocal Property (System.Net

When a proxy server is not specified, WinHTTP falls back to the default WinHTTP proxy setting. This can be configured using the NETSH.EXE command line utility. View current WinHTTP default proxy settings: netsh.exe winhttp show proxy. Set a fixed default WinHTTP proxy server and exclude local addresses: netsh.exe winhttp set proxy