High School Press Freedom & Censorship - Student Press Law

Apr 26, 2016 School Internet Censorship Impairs a Student’s Ability to May 05, 2017 The Debate on Internet Censorship in Public Schools Oct 09, 2011 The First Amendment in Schools: Censorship - National In the United States, censorship more often involves social issues, and in school is commonly directed at so-called “controversial” materials. Advocates for censorship often target materials that discuss sexuality, religion, race and ethnicity–whether directly or indirectly.

13 Internet Censorship Pros and Cons – Vittana.org

The Legal Cost of Improper Internet Censorship - Education May 16, 2012 Should high schools censor the internet? | Debate.org

Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication, or other information, on the basis that such material is considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or "inconvenient." Censorship can be conducted by governments, private institutions, and other controlling bodies. Governments and private organizations may engage in censorship. Other groups or institutions may propose and

In Rhode Island Schools, Censorship Continues Online Jan 04, 2018 High School Press Freedom & Censorship - Student Press Law The Supreme Court's 1988 decision in the case Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier defined the level of First Amendment protection public high school students working on school-sponsored publications are entitled to. That case was a follow up to the landmark 1969 Supreme Court decision in Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District.