Calling AWS API Gateway from AWS Lambda - Stack Overflow

The scenario is : I have a Rest api gateway which when triggered invokes a lambda which processes the request and returns the repsonse. This api endpoint is public. At load AWS file gateway mount average time increase to 20secs. We have been in touch with AWS tech support, and at their end all metrics looks ok to them. We have been waiting for their AWS service team to debug this issue for us. I wonder anyone has encountered this recently. Aug 22, 2019 · An example AWS Transit Gateway (click to enlarge) The design underlying this example of a transit gateway has the following attributes: I assume that the first VPC (MgmtVPC) will have access to all subnets in all VPCs. When you create an api gateway resource you usually get a publicly accessible endpoint of the format: I have created a custom lambda authorizor for the API gateway but I would like to ensure that it is not accessible publicly at all.

May 15, 2019 · AWS VPC Transit Gateway CloudGuard IaaS gateways, the AWS transit gateways through the ROUTE DOMAINS. The first ROUTE DOMAIN is the Spoke Route Table, the Spoke Route Table is attached to each of

Amazon Web Services - Wikipedia Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a subsidiary of Amazon that provides on-demand cloud computing platforms and APIs to individuals, companies, and governments, on a metered pay-as-you-go basis. In aggregate, these cloud computing web services provide a set of primitive abstract technical infrastructure and distributed computing building blocks and tools. One of these services is [[Amazon … AWS API Gateway Custom Domain Tutorial (2020) - YouTube Jul 24, 2020

HTTP APIs for Amazon API Gateway Are Now Generally Available

AWS API Gateway supports Amazon Cognito OAuth2 Scopes now.You can create Amazon Cognito user pool authoriser and configure it as your Authorisation method in API Gateway. In order to make use of OAuth scopes, you need to configure a resource server and custom scopes with your Cognito userpool. You can configure multiple app clients in Cognito userpool with different scopes or request different AWS: aws_storagegateway_gateway - Terraform by HashiCorp gateway_id - Identifier of the gateway. » Timeouts aws_storagegateway_gateway provides the following Timeouts configuration options: create - (Default 10m) How long to wait for gateway activation and connection to Storage Gateway. » Import aws_storagegateway_gateway can be imported by using the gateway Amazon Resource Name (ARN), e.g. AWS Transit Gateway – Aviatrix Category Archives: AWS Transit Gateway. How Aviatrix’s intelligent orchestration and control eliminates unwanted tradeoffs encountered when deploying Palo Alto Networks VM-Series Firewalls with AWS Transit Gateway By Sam Ghardashem June 7th, 2019 Deploying any next generation firewall in a public cloud environment is challenging, not because